Thursday, January 15, 2009

Click Ads for Your Website

In one of the early posts I talked about Google Adsense.

There are a lot more sites out there that work on the same principle, post ads on your websites and blogs, and when they get clicked on, you get paid.

I am going to list sites that I am on, and come across on this page.
Keep checking back as I will update this page from time to time.

Bidvertiser - You can also get $20 in Pay Per Click Advertising to get people to visit your website!

Chitika (Falling Fast!)
Enhance Interactive
Fastclick text ads
Intellitxt (Awesome supprt!)
Mirago (out soon)
Miva (FindWhat/Espotting)
Yahoo YPN (In Beta, Awesome payout)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Write an Ebook

This site was orignally intended to be an E-Book.

I just don't have the time to write an e-book, but I do have time now and then to make a blog post. And there have been a lot of people asking me how they can go about making money online that I decided to do the Blog.
This also allows people to follow along and ask questions.

A while back, I placed an affiliate link on one of my websites for an ebook.
I thought the ebook had a lot of great information and the price of it, $5 was
a bargain.

It turns out the author of the ebook contacted me and he and I became friends and he started writing articles for one of my sites.

His ebook and and website are on the subject of Collecting Vinyl Records

Robert, the author is a prime example of someone that has taken their hobby, and turned it into their business.
He has now grown into doing Record Appraisals.

If you have the time, you can write your own ebook and sell it.
(Digital Information Products make a killing on the web....moneywise )

Depending on what software your computer has, you may need to purchase a PDF writer software, you might even be able to find a free one by doing a search.

You could write it in MS Word if you already have it, but the little expense that you would pay for the software, could wind up making you a nice financial return.

Who would buy your ebook?
Anyone that has an interest in your NICHE that is looking for good quality information.

If you have been on the net for awhile, I'm sure you have seen an e-cookbook??
About a year ago, I posted a link to The Official Secret Restaurant Recipes Ebook
on one of my sites (not related to cooking) and wound up receiving commissions for 3 sales that month for $60.00!

What does this tell me/you?
People will buy if they find a product they want/need/desire.

You can create an Ebook and not even have to worry about setting up a website to sell it!
You can create a ClickBank Publisher Account and have their affiliates promote it for you, and when the book sells, YOU GET PAID!!

Seeing I have never written an ebook (but have sold a few) here is resource that I found that can help you Write and Publish Your Own Ebook in 7 Days!
It does cost money, but if your ebook sells, then the small investment is well worth the return!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Review of Sample Posts

The sample posts are just that, samples.

They should give you an idea of how/what you can write about, just be sure they are in your NICHE.

A few years back I wrote a movie review, added some pictures of the actors and their roles in the movie. The plot of the movie, and I even found a video clip on youtube to post in it.

I then added in an amazon link to the movie.

Those that liked the review and wanted to see it clicked on the link and bought it, in turn, that generated me sales.

The Blog, The Post and The Link, did not cost me any money, and I made money from it.

You want to make your posts attractive and to the point.
You want your readers to be avid readers.
Don't make posts just for the sake of posting.
Have some substance to what you are writing about.
What you write about is a direct reflection of you and your business.
Be professional, but yet be real. They want to hear from YOU, not from some automated company or script.
Be sure to add in affiliate product links and your click ads.

Next Up: Write an Ebook

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sample Post 3

I may not be the best teacher in the world, nor do I have the golden key to success, but I do make money online with no money.

Sometimes the money I make is minimal, and other times I make out pretty good.

Just last week I got a letter in the mail and I wasn't sure who it was from.
I opened it up and low and behold, a check for $36.00!

I'm looking at it and I can;t figure out what this check is for.
It wasn't money that I was expecting or counting on.

I had to go through some of my affiliate accounts and find out where the
check was from and how I generated it.

It turns out one of my affiliate links sold 2 products last month with a commission of $18.00 per sale!

Then a week later I got an email from PayPal with my Google Adsense Commission for the previous month for $107.83

Thats $143.83 cents I made without having to punch a time clock!

You to can learn how to do this with Blogging to The Bank!

Catchya Next Post!

Sample Post 2

I am a Batman Fanatic!

Being an adult, I can buy myself whatever I want and Christmas is enjoyed by me through the eyes of my children.

However, this Christmas I wanted the new Batman Movie.
As I did not get a chance to go to the theater to see it, I thought it would be better if I just put it on my Christmas list.

Low and behold, I got it as a present!! woo hoo!!

I couldn't wait to kick back in my recliner, dim the lights and crank the surround sound and watch it.

If you like any of the previous Batman movies, chances are you are going to love this as much as I did.

Heath Ledger did an excellent job as the Joker.

Christian Bale did another great job playing Batman.

This movie I give a 2 thumbs up!

The movie moved quickly and was action packed and suspensful that when it was over, I couldn't believe it was over, I felt like I had just sat down 10 minutes ago.
This is a movie that will not bore you or wait for it to be over, I wanted more!!

View the Movie Trailer Here!

This movie is for Batman Lovers Everywhere!

Sample Post 1

The Holidays are now over and I hope that yours was enjoyable as mine :)

One of the great things about the Holidays is all the delicious foods that my mom makes just for the holidays.

Do you remember that once special dish you just couldn't wait until next the Holiday Season to get a taste of?

When I was growing up I always loved my Moms Baked Perogies.
Now that my Mom lives so far away, I don't get to have them during the Holidays anymore, but I did get my Mom to share her recipe with me, and I am now going to share it with you!

Mom's Baked Perogies


3 1/2 cups all purpose flour
3 large eggs
2 tablespoons sour cream, buttermilk, or plain yogurt
1 cup water (more if required)
butter or oil
salt and pepper

Combine flour, half of the water, eggs, and the sour cream, buttermilk or yogurt in a large bowl. Stir vigorously to incorporate the eggs.
Slowly stir in the remaining water until a dough begins to form. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead gently, lifting dough to stretch.

Continue lifting and stretching the dough until the dough is smooth and somewhat sticky inside, about 3 minutes or so. Do not overwork the dough - if it begins to become elastic, allow it to rest 5-10 minutes under an overturned bowl before working with it again.

When the dough has been kneaded enough, place in a storage bag in the refrigerator to rest 20 minutes, or leave on the counter under an overturned bowl 30 minutes, to allow any gluten which may have developed to rest.

While the dough is resting, you can prepare the filling.


3 medium or 2 very large waxy potatoes (baking)
3 T unsalted butter
1-2 T light olive oil (or schmaltz)
1 large onion, minced
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups cabbage, finely shredded
1 small leek, finely minced (optional)
2 T Parmesan or white cheddar cheese, grated

Cook the potatoes in their jackets, in a covered heavy pot with barely enough water to cover them in slightly salted water (add about 2 tsp salt to the water). Simmer over low heat until potatoes are fork tender, then remove from heat. (If you can judge when they'll be done, remove from heat 10 minutes in advance and just allow to steam in the pot with the heat turned off).
Allow the potatoes to cool sufficiently to handle, and rub off the skins with a clean towel. Drain the pot you cooked them in, and return the potatoes to the pot and shake them around a bit to dry them.

Put the potatoes through a sieve or a potato ricer if you have one, otherwise, use a masher. Set them aside.

In a skillet, combine butter and oil or schmaltz over medium heat to melt. Saute the garlic, onion, and leek, if you have one, for a few minutes until they begin to take on a translucent color.

Stir in the cabbage, turn the heat to high for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly, reduce heat and allow cabbage to begin to brown, 6-8 minutes. Then add the potatoes, cheese, and season to taste. Remove from heat and go on to work with the dough again as the filling cools.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and form it into balls 1 1/2 to 2" in diameter. Roll each out with a rolling pin into a 3-3 1/2" round approximately 1/8 inch in thickness. Cover the ones you've made with a damp paper towel as you work. If you prefer, you can use a KitchenAid pasta roller attachment (or other pasta machine) to roll out the dough circles. Be sure to flour both sides lightly first.

Hold the dough in one hand, and place a round ball of filling or spoonful into the center. Fold in half to enclose the filling, and pinch the edges securely together. Don't allow filling to touch the edges to avoid an imperfect seal. Be sure there are no openings along the edges, or the filling will boil out.

Boil a large pot of salted water as you continue to fill the remaining pierogi until all the ingredients run out. As you work, place a sheet of waxed paper dusted lightly with flour or corn meal over and between the pierogi layers until ready to boil.

Cooking: Gently lower pierogi into rapidly boiling water 3-5 at a time and cook for a few minutes until they float to the surface. Remove with a slotted spoon and continue til all are cooked. Serve fresh with melted butter, or saute in butter until lightly brown on outside.

An alternative to cooking these in water is to boil them in the broth remaining from a boiled ham, or in chicken broth.

NOTE: If your pierogi are too doughy, you either rolled the dough circles so they were not thin enough, or if their thickness was correct, they may not have been evenly rolled or cooked sufficiently. The first attempt is not always perfect, but if you note where you could have done better, your next batch will be much improved!

Blog Content

Your blog content should be relative to your blog.

You should not be writing about a fishing product if your NICHE is cooking.

However, you can share personal experiences in your blogs.

You want your blog to be written by you. People want to read what is written from a the person that owns the blog. You want to build a relationship with your readers.

This is my blog, but if I just started grabbing articles from other writers and posting them here, chances are I would not be getting a loyal following.

Nobody wants to read a blog post 5 pages long, that is too much.
Try and keep it to a few paragraphs if possible.

Stay On Topic.

If your are really in a mood to write, make extra posts, don't try and cram everything into one post.

Your posts should be easy to read and not have a lot of technical mumbo jumbo.
Some people just might not be as savvy as you.

My next 3 posts are going to be example posts to give you a better idea.

Up Next:
Sample Post 1, Sample Post 2, Sample Post 3